Hi Eric

> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:48:05PM -0300, rafael2k wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using gnuradio to receive and transmit to 2 meters amateur radio,
>> and when
>> I went to buy the cable, I didn't know what impedance should I use w/
>> the
>> usrp. 50 ohm or 75 ohm?
>> Can I connect an amplifier to the basic-tx without any problem?
>> thanks
>> rafael diniz
> Please explain to me how you are planning on transmitting on 2 meters
> using the basic tx daughterboard and how you are planning on
> controlling out of band emissions.

By 2 meters (the wave length) radio I mean the range of 144-148 Mhz (here
in brazil, is the band for amateur radio class C) - I can receive and
transmit using the examples that come w/ gnuradio (fm_tx4.py and

I already bought an small antena (1/4 of wave length - its working), but
I'd like to put an antenna in the top of my home (to receive, w/
basic-rx), so I'd like to know what impedance (for the cable) should I

Another issue is that in the future I would like to put an amplifier in
the output of the basic-tx to reach farther places. Is it simple as I
think it is?

USRP is really a great piece of hardware!!

I did not thought about the out of band emissions yet... may be I could
add some filters too...

Rafael Diniz

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