Hi Chiara,

well done! Just wanted to say I'd definitely be interested in obtaining the VmWare image you've created. As you say though, 2GB is pretty big. If you don't find a host for the image within the next few days I may be able to arrange a temporary FTP location where you can upload to.


Chiara De Dominicis wrote:
Hi everybody,

I installed GNURadio 3.1.2 on SuSE 10.2 in a virtual machine for VmWare 6.0.
The installation is perfectly working also with the USRP.
My system is a Centrino Duo T2300 with 2.5GB RAM.

I think it is really working since I've been using it for 2 months, now...

If someone is interested in a clean image of the vm, please tell me where to upload it since it is quite huge (2 GB zipped)



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