There is insufficient dynamic range in any GPS signal on any ordinary mortals GPS antenna to use more than 8 bits.


Chris Stankevitz wrote:
Dan Halperin wrote:
USRP's cfile utility cannot write my data without overruns, so I use my own app which I have attached to this email in case anyone is interested. I will try Juha's recorder to see if it performs better.

FWIW (maybe you've fixed the problem already), I would think that if this is the case then you're using the cfile script wrong. Are you using the '-s' switch (to halve the required disk bandwidth)?

Hi Dan,

Yes, I record the data as 16 bit shorts vs. 32 bit floats. At 4Msps complex data, this provides 16 megabytes per second which is within the capabilities of my 4 disk RAID0 array. Here are the results of the bonnie++ benchmark which reports my drive can write at 58 megabytes per second:

Version  1.03       ------Sequential Output------
                    -Per Chr- --Block--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP
cstankevitz-lapt 4G 34335  44 58313   5


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