isaacgerg wrote:
The mapping you ask describing isnt what I am getting.  According to your
scheme, with the Basic RX board, I shouldnt be able to get any FM radio
stations, but I am able to get them.  Why is this?

The daughterboard software knows about aliasing, and maps accordingly
when you ask for a frequency above 32MHz.  The mapping I described
folds all the spectrum into the space from 0 - 32 MHz.  As a result,
you will hear the FM broadcast stations at multiple frequency tunings.
As a further note, you'll notice that one of the "fold" points, 96 MHz,
is right in the middle of the broadcast FM band. So you should be able
to hear the same station at the same offset above and below 96 MHz.

For instance, if there's a station at 92.1 MHz (1.9 MHz below), you
should hear that same station at 97.9 MHz (1.9 MHz above).

@(^.^)@  Ed

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