Hi all,

First, I'm sorry if my actions are shunned upon (C++ daughterboard code outside the mainstream repository), but I could sincerely use help with a deadline approaching next week.

I am trying to use code that Per started for tuning a MIMO_b RFX card in C++. Using the base code he gave me, I was able to get the transmitter working bot not receiver.

I am trying to receive a GMSK transmission.

Here is a normal reception after tuning the card in python:

... we get a nice clean circular transmission.

When I attempt to receive using the C++ RX code, that I modified to set the RX gain, I get the following square-like transmission:

Based on these results, does anyone have any insight in to what I may be tuning incorrectly? I thought it might be the gain setting, but I mimiced the set_gain() method exactly with the python code and ensure the write_aux_dac() and set_pga() values are the same:

To tune the cards, I am using:
db_flexrf_mimo dboards(d_urx, d_utx, 0);
dboards.configure(d_rf_freq, 45, 0);
dboards.configure(d_rf_freq, 0, 1);

I followed through almost every function call and I can't seem to find the different in tuning between my code and the python.

I'd greatly appreciate any insight.


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