On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 04:07:00PM +0530, rajeev shukla wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Does anybody know the alternative boards available for USRP? in other words
> how to use custom boards in place of USRP?
> I am having a board com1100 (from comblocks.com) containing virtex II-1000
> and smsc  GMT3200 usb phy.
> I want to know what bare-minimum design (both software and hardware point of
> view) is required so that this board could be used in place of USRP (mainly
> usb interface related)?
> assuming that i am having different RF front ends and required custom
> digital up down converter in fpga, etc.
> rgds.
> rajeev shukla.


The difficulty of interfacing a new piece of h/w to GNU Radio varies
widely depending on the complexity and sophistication of the h/w and
what you want it to do.  In the more simple cases, it's probably on
the order of 500 lines of code.  This assumes you've already got some
kind of Linux driver that knows how to talk to the device.


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