
Is there any documentation of the new C++ only gnuradio framework?  I'd 
like some insight into the philosophy behind it.  E.g. why can there only 
be one top level block?  Consider an example:

I have a transmitter and a receiver.  The two are completely independent. 
Why can't each one be a gr_top_block?  I may want to stop one but not the 

The tx and rx may have been designed by different people.  Why do I need 
another top level to combine the two?

The gr_top_block appears to separate the flow graph into independent 
subgraphs and runs each one in its own thread.  I wonder if this is always 
the desired behavior.  Consider two threads with different computational 
requirements.  One needs 90% the other 10% of the CPU.  The low rate 
thread should relinquish control if it has nothing to do.  However, that 
will not happen.  Instead, the scheduler will sit there and use up the 
entire time to check if the graph has unblocked.  Any ideas?

Eugene Grayver, Ph.D.
Aerospace Corp., Sr. Eng. Spec.
Tel: 310.336.1274
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