On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 12:51:18PM +0100, Crespi Floriana wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with OFDM system.
> I transmit OFDM signal at 2.4 GHz, but I receive half of the total packets.
> Moreover, only half of the packets received are correct.
> CRC controller is perfect but i want a ber estimate, so I change the
> payload (binary file) and I  receive check bit by bit.
> The result of my alteration test is similar than CRC test.
> I have a lot of frequency offset, therefore I change manually the frequency
> receiver.
> I use revision 6845 and RFX 2400.
> Example with crc:
> The final packet I receive:
> ok: False      pktno 4602   n_rcvd 1300       n_right 83
> Why can't i get all the packets?
> Could you help me??
> I'm testing OFDM system without USRP and none of the packets are lost.
> Thanks a lot.

Hi Crespi,

You have neglected to tell us virtually anything about your problem.
Could you please tell us:

  which version of GNU Radio?  trunk, tarball (which one), etc?
  what operating system, distribution and architecture?
  the command line you issued
  any modifications you may have made to distributed code?
  anything else that might be relevant


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