Bob McGwier schrieb am 2008-02-24 18:34:
Patrick Strasser wrote:
I've seen some messages reagrding Qt and GNU Radio, and some code in
the repository. I'd like to use Qt and QWT.
I guess I'm not the first one thinking about Qt, but I could not find
any rationals for or against. Any ideas, pitfalls/caveats, experiences?
I am really having a problem right now getting Qt 4.3.X to successfully
compile Qwt under F8 x86_64.
I think I had the same problem some weeks ago, that's why I was soon
distracted by other things. I really think we should build on QWT
primary, that's why this has to work at first.
The first task I set for
myself was to take the new hier block 2 version now that it has
stablizied and to use the FM stereo receiver as my first example.
I think getting into GNU Radio is a little bit cumbersome although we
have a lot of example code. I'm thinking about basic concepts, that were
hard to get for me when starting with GNU Radio, but also creating a new
GUI application is not a 5-minute-thing. I hope that good graphical
elements, like sinks with rich interface, or a graphical filter
designer, or a FFT-sink combined with a filter designer etc. could help
people in getting to powerful applications in short time.
I also wanted
to add the nascent RDS code to it so we could get that going as well.
One more candidate for a "connect this to your flowgraph and it will do
the Right Thing".
What I need is ten more hours in each day.
[...] I would really love it if you
took this forward and made a start.
I'll see what I can do!
Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <patrick dot strasser at tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria
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