On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:10:47AM +0100, Vincenzo Pellegrini wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> could anybody help me in figuring out what is (even a rough estimate is OK)
> the raw computing power of a 3.0GHz Pentium IV CPU?
> really thanks for help
> -- 
> Vincenzo Pellegrini

Assuming you're coding in assembler using SSE* instructions, you can
get a sustained throughput of about 1 FLOP / clock cycle.  Since
you're not really doing that, I'd call the 3GHz P4 about 0.5 to 1.0 GFLOP.

YMMV.  Widely ;)

On the netburst microarchitecture used in the P4 it's really hard to get
good floating point performance because of the very deep pipeline,
scarcity of registers, and so-so FPU.


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