John Clark wrote:
George Nychis schrieb:
Hi John,
There are a couple other SDR-type platforms in the academic world...
but none really come close to the code base of GR IMO.
Some of these seemed pretty 'expensive' to get into... the use of
ASICs, and the like, also, they seem to be directed to pretty
specific implementations of transmissions, even though one could
conceivably load in a new chunk of firmware 'on the fly' perhaps...
Along those lines are Lyrtech's boards (the Small Form Factor (SFF) SDR)
and TI has something similar. These are almost all FPGA-based SDR
devices, and I'm not sure what kind of software you get with them to do
any communications. And they are very expensive.
WARP is a very expensive platform IMO, and they are not as modular as
GNU Radio. I would say GNU Radio has far more in the PHY layer, and
WARP has 1 PHY (OFDM) + a bunch of MAC implementations.
Looked interesting, but did have this overhead of ASIC, and buying the
attendant boards.
The KU Agile radio is still pretty new, Prof. Minden gave a talk here
about it last semester and it seemed the hardware was pretty concrete
but the software was still in progress... which is what truly
separates SDR platforms :)
Looks closest to what I'm doing... albeit not with a PPC core...
Gary's new design uses an Intel chip, though I'm not sure where they are
on production. I've seen them work, though, and they provided a nice
demonstration of the KUAR at the IEEE DySPAN conference in Dublin last
year. I hope to get them back for this year's, too.
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