
I have a very low data rate FSK system (<100 bps).  The problem is the 
enormous latency introduced by the inter-block buffers.  (I am running in 
ms windows).  The buffer granularity is apparently 64kB.  I 
upsample/interpolate the data to around 500 kHz before sending it to 
hardware.  The buffers get filled up on startup from the data source, and 
any new data takes forever to come out. (64k/100 = 600sec!)  Is there a 
way to make the inter-block buffers MUCH smaller?  Or, at least make them 
different size depending on the actual sample rate?  What other options 
can anyone propose?

Eugene Grayver, Ph.D.
Aerospace Corp., Sr. Eng. Spec.
Tel: 310.336.1274
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