
We need a tracking mechanism and way to submit corrections, additions,
upgrades as a community and to track "who did what to whom".  You have
done a fantastic job of starting this but we need to already plan while
the "Arnold Dumey microsecond" has not passed for AF (After Firas) and
wouldn't it be better to do it WF (with Firas).  Having done this kind
of thing on other projects, I started off well and when I began to tire
of the drudgery and repetitive parts of this, the effort inevitably
faltered.  I feel this is too important to fail to prevent the
consequences of the inevitable "moving on" to other newer and more
interesting things than doing a manual. It is clear that you are smart,
intelligent, well informed, and capable of moving on. To me that makes
in inevitable.  Why aren't we doing this (officially) as part of our
wiki? Are the wiki controls/tools too lightweight for this level of
effort? If the answer is "no they are adequate" or "they can easily be
made adequate", then the gnuradio wiki is the obvious (and IMHO) correct
place for this.

Again, please accept my sincerest gratitude for doing what should have
been done ages ago and wasn't.


Firas Abbas wrote:
> Hi,
> You are welcomed. The published document is just a simple start, and I'm
> planing to do :
> 1) Publish updated version document with more documentations and more
> error correction in the next one or two days at most.
> 2) To add/create (in the near future) a new block ordering such as :
> - Sources
> - Sinks
> - Signal processing
> - Type conversion
> - Digital Filtering
> - Signal Modulation
> - Signal Demodulation
> - Tools
> - USRP
> -.................... any more suggestions are highly welcomed
> 4) Add a blocks alphabetical index (in near future).
> 5) To Apply all these documentations in the original gnuradio source
> files and send it as patches to gnuradio developers (administrators) ,
> so that the official gnuradio documentation generated by doxygen will
> give us more information.
> 6) Trying to find/build a new doxygen configuration to file to make it
> generate a more clearing picture and send this a patch to gnuradio.
> Regards,
> Firas,

AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
“An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
must the pessimist always run to blow it out?” Descartes

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