Nirali Patel wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a USRP Rev 4.5 and I was trying to find stability information
> on the 64 Mhz crystal oscillator. However, I am unable to
> cross-reference it to a manufacturer’s part number. The part number on
> the BOM says X2 is a digikey CTX286LVCT-ND. However the part populated
> on the
> USRP is from Ecliptek and the number stamped on the part itself just
> tells about the frequency and the year/week of  production. I am also
> unsure if this is a TCXO or not. Any help and information appreciated.

Older USRPs used the CTX, and it had 50ppm tolerance.  Newer ones have
the Ecliptek part with 20ppm tolerance.  Neither is a TCXO.


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