Paul Creekmore wrote:

> When I attempt to run any python example script or utility that includes
>, I get the following error message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./", line 24, in ?
>    from gnuradio import usrp
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnuradio/", line 24, in ?
>    import usrp_prims
> ImportError: No module named usrp_prims
> Indeed is nowhere to be found on my system.  Neither is
> usrp_dbid, the next module called in  I searched the mailing
> list archive and found similar problems mentioned, but found no
> solution.  Where might I find these missing modules?
> I'm running Debian, and installed the GNU Radio package via apt-get.

Just to clarify, you installed GNU Radio packages versioned 3.0.2 from
the official Debian archive?

3.0.2 doesn't have the usrpm module in it (that was introduced on the
trunk post-3.0.2.)  So the question then would be, where are you getting
a installed from that imports usrpm?  Is it possible you have
stuff "left over" from a previous installation of a newer release?

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

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