김상원 wrote:
> When I used the TVRX and USRP main board for receiving TV signals, I
> found that the usrp 64MHz Xrystal leakage is serious.
> Even though there is no input signals, very strong leakage sinal is
> ovserved every 16MHz(16MHz*n) and 64MHz(64MHz*n) frequencies.
> I think USRP board need more enough via around the xrystal or shield
> can.(If antenna is connected, leakage is bigger).
> Is there any solution to remove the xrystal leakages? I want to use
> tvrx board for VHF, UHF CH Sensing receiver, but every 16MHz strong
> spurious makes impossilble to sensing..
> We await your quick reply.
> Regards,
> Kim
I see this with the DBS_RX.

My front end is a dish, with about 45dB of low-noise gain right up at
the dish. The signals and noise
coming from the dish (which is separated from the USRP by quite some
distance) are enough to
swamp any of the internal spurs of the USRP.

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