Dear Colleague,

we invite you to contribute to the 5th Karlsruhe Workshop on
Software Radios - WSR08. The event will be held on March 5-6, 2008 in
Karlsruhe, located in the southwest of Germany.
This will be a great opportunity to bring the GNU Radio
Community together. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Antenna Techniques,
- Baseband Data Processing,
- Hardware/Software Co-Design,
- Analog-to-Digital Conversion,
- GNU Radio,
- Cognitive Radio,
- Dynamic Spectrum Access,
- Cognitive Networks,
- Pricing, Auctions, Game Theory and other Technical-economic Approaches
- Applications of Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access

Prospective authors are invited to submit one full page extended  abstract.

Important dates:

Submission of extended abstracts:  November 30th, 2007
Notification of acceptance:        December 20th, 2007
Submission of camera-ready papers: January  31th, 2008
Workshop date:                     March   5-6th, 2008

For further details please visit our website:

We are looking forward to see you in Karlsruhe.

Best regards,
Friedrich Jondral, Christian Koerner and Hanns-Ulrich Dehner
(Organizing Committee)

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