
I am looking at the possibility of reprogramming the existing firmware
inside FPGA.

I am using the Quartus software to compile the code. However, I am new to
USRP and GNU Radio.

It would help me if anyone of you could reply to my questions:

1) Do I need a 3rd party tool to transfer my code to the FPGA on USRP ? I
remember using a JTAG cable and Active-HDL for this task when i worked with
Aldec procesors.

2) I believe that the firmware is loaded everytime I run GNU radio. Is it
that I replace the existing fpga Verilog firmware code ( .v file ) from its
existing location .i.e. gnuradio folder
with my modified Verilog firmware code ?

Thank you for your help.

S. Mande.
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