I was thinking the same.  But then I thought that the USRP is overkill
if you are doing ham type waveforms as they are only 3Khz wide at
mosy.  A studio quality computer "sound card" can take 192K samples
per second at 24 bits per channel..   GNU radio software can interface
to a high-end sound card

After the sound card you only need a mixer and a VFO.  There are a
number of projects that are suplying simple SDR front ends like these.

I may buy smething like USRP later but for now I want to get
on the air for a lot less,  About $40 is all you need for a very
limited front end -- RX and TX on a crystal bound frequency
once this works my plan is to replace the crystal with a
VFO and then figure out how to switch in filters.

Don't get me wrong a USRP would be great.

--- "Michael C. Menefee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm a ham that has become interested in SDR in general, and GNU
> Radio/USRP.  I'm looking to build an SDR that can TX voice (FM & SSB)
> on
> HF/2m/70cm 

Chris Albertson
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