Kevin Rudd (Contractor) wrote:
> Hello all, 
>   I just received my USRP and I have successfully installed GNURadio on my
> Linux box.  I am just starting to dabble with the code a bit.  I am very
> much a Windows/MATLAB developer, so I think I could be far more productive
> if I could just stream the baseband waveforms to and from the USRP from
> MATLAB.  I see on Ettus's site that some are working on a MATLAB interface.
> I would like to contribute to this effort.  Does anyone have a good starting
> point?  Are there any windows drivers (dll's or source)?   
> Btw, I tried installing the binaries from and the code
> did not like my USRP revision??  I have also searched the list and tried
> emailing people directly, but without any responses.   
The binaries are a bit outdated.
I haven't found the time to make new ones.
(It is quite a long process updating and building the windows installers)

I will probably make some new ones someday, but don't pin me down on a date.
You could build from source yourself on mingw or cygwin on windows.
More people are doing this.

> I would appreciate any help or suggestions.   
> Thanks, 
> Kevin
> (p.s. I apologize if this gets double posted.  I had trouble using a third
> party forum)
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