2007/3/27, Trond Danielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
2007/3/27, Eric Blossom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Okay, I think I understand. But still, when inspecting the signal with
> > ursp_fft.py, the signal is not at baseband, but offset by approx.
> > 500kHz
> 500 kHz seems excessive. Can you post a link to a screen shot?
I am not at the lab atm, but I'll post a screenshot tomorrow when I
get back to the university (which is in about 10h).
Thank you all for your replies. I this case I think that the user is
the one to blame for the problem... Something must have been very
wrong yesterday, because today I get within 20kHz of the desired
frequency, which is good enough atm.
Trond Danielsen
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