--- bellzii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey every1,
> Can some1 tell me what are the PCM input/ouput device names  (like
> hw)  for
> a speaker(output) and a mic(input)?

try this:
    "cat /proc/asound/devices"

It's different depending on your setup but here it is on this computer:

bash-3.1$ cat /proc/asound/devices 
  2:        : timer
  3:        : sequencer
  4: [ 0- 4]: digital audio playback
  5: [ 0- 3]: digital audio capture
  6: [ 0- 2]: digital audio capture
  7: [ 0- 1]: digital audio capture
  8: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback
  9: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture
 10: [ 0]   : control

I only have the built-in sound device on this PC and it is lited above
as "card 0".  Look in  /proc/asound under card0 directory for more

Chris Albertson
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