Hello everyone,
I hope this post is not out of line but I would like to purchase, trade,
or otherwise barter to obtain a USRP and modules for less than the
retail price. If anyone can help me out, I would really appreciate it.
I am very big into the Asterisk (Open Source PBX) community and could
certainly barter consulting services/hardware related to VoIP and
Asterisk. I am just low on cash flow right now (bought a bunch of HAM
gear) and cannot cough up the funds needed to buy the cards. I don't
use credit cards unless I have the money to pay it off right away (sort
of like the Gold Standard".
I could wait but after studying this project, I am impatient to get my
hands on some gear and jump in. This project is by far the most
interesting and "Gee Whiz" thing that I have seen in a long time (if not
the most ever).
Any help is appreciated. If not, expect me to be a very active member
in another month or so.
Steve Totaro
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list