
I'm using the DC-30 MHz basic RX board. So by recording the input signal, recording the value displayed on my "time series" window, and knowing the gain (0-20db if memory serves) I can calibrate the hardware so that I can back out the original voltage levels at the input? What impact does the signal processing have on the absolute magnitudes? If there is some magnitude attenuation caused by the FIR filters, is it frequency independent?


On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Eric Blossom wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 12:43:01PM -0400, Michael Dickens wrote:

2) do you know how to convert the integer values on the third
window (time-series) to actual voltage values as measured by the
adc?  It must be a function of the internal gain and offset.  I
need to know these eventually; this application is supposed to
measure physical voltages, not just produce sounds.

Not sure of this.  Maybe whoever wrote the script knows? - MLD

You would need to calibrate the complete signal path.  Of course this
is highly dependent on the particular daugtherboard in use as well as
any gain setting in effect.


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