Michael Dickens wrote:

> Johnathan - I was away on travel while this was released, but now
> that I'm back I checked this 3.0.3 release out on both Intel and PPC
> OSX, and make, make check, make distcheck, etc... all work great.

Thanks for testing.

> I'm -quite- stumped by the lack of functionality on PPC-OSX by the 
> trunk.  The primary significant change that I can think of between
> 3.0.3 and trunk is the movement of omnithread from gnuradio-core to
> its own library space (gromnithread) ... correct me if I'm wrong in
> this belief.  Now that I'm back, I'm back to investigating this issue
> ... truly strange. - MLD

Can you capture all the details of the failure in a ticket in Trac? (Or
maybe it's there and I missed it.)

You're right, the chief difference in the build system between the
stable release and the development trunk is that the trunk has several
more top-level components--omnithreads was pulled out of the core to
become it's own library, and there are the pmt and mblock components
which do don't directly depend on gnuradio-core.

Of course there are major changes in many areas of functionality, and as
we approach completion of these we'll be looking more and more towards
stabilizing things to eventually cut a new 3.1 stable branch.

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

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