I know it will sound strange since for the last day that I have been subscribed to this list I can see many advanced (at least to me) topics but I am new to it, I have just purchased the USRP motherboard and I have many many questions. To start with the more simple ones, I would like to ask what are the steps I have to take to install the software. I am planning to use the USRP card as a data acquisition system, sampling I, Q channels and passing them through the USB and record them on a hard disk. What software do I need to install and where to start from? My understanding until now is that I better go with Linux since Windows platform seems to have some incomplete patches yet. I suppose that first I have to check the dependencies of my operating system that are required. Then I have to download the gnuradio folder (from the stable release) which includes the core programs in the folder trunk and install this with all of its components.

Would that be all? Do I need to download a firmware for the FPGA as well or does it come with preinstalled firmware?

I hope you can guide me around

thank you all


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