As a test, I went into the file and changed it so
that it adds instead of multiplies (so doubles instead of squares). The
make check still passed without problems. If I introduced a syntax
error, then it fails - so I am definitely changing the file being used
in the make process.

This implies that the make check process is not actually invoking the program. That being the case, upon what basis does the
article claim that the new block works?

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Bahn William L Civ USAFA/DFCS
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Problems with How to Write a Signal
> ProcessingBlock
> I've gone through the How to Write a Signal Processing Block article.
> Everything worked - better than it was supposed to. When I got to the
> first time I was supposed to run "make check" and it was supposed to
> fail, it passed. I'm assuming that this is because the tarball
> the howto module which the article assumes hasn't been written yet.
> Fine. So, per the article, "Victory! Our new block works!"
> Or does it?
> If I try to run the top level Python program,, I get the
> following error message:
> ImportError: No module named howto
> I tracked down the file (located in the lib directory) and
> copied it to the python site-packages directory.
> Now I get the error message:
> ImportError: No module named _howto
> The only file I can find by that name is (again, in the lib
> directory). I copied it over to the site-packages directory, but got
> same result.
> What do I need to do (and, more importantly, how am I supposed to know
> that I need to do it) in order to actually run the python program
> ( that supposedly passed all of the make checks?
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