On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:53:14AM -0700, Bahn William L Civ USAFA/DFCS wrote:
> Thanks. 
> I'd still be very interested in knowing what is the problem with my
> system and how to correct it - also in getting the documentation
> installed on my system since our application will require us to work in
> places without internet access.

You'll need to install the package that contains xmlto.  Sorry, I'm not
sure what package it's in.  If you're using ubuntu, you should be able
to search for it using synaptic.

> Also, in the Exploring GNU Radio article there is the following
> statement:
> For a more indepth look at how the FM receiver works, please see
> "Listening to FM, Step by Step."
> Where is this located?

Google knows:



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