Brett Trotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Replying to myself, it seems that if I do an ssh and cat a bunch of data
> from /dev/urandom through strings, eventually, the tunnel cant keep up and
> data stops streaming. Funny enough though, if I hit a key, it still sends
> data. It seems as if the ssh session got out of sync. Another ssh session
> running simultaneously, but not actively communicating, remains happy once
> the other dies.

I suggest taking tcpdumps on both sides on the tunnel device, and use
-w file -s1500 to save them.  When looking with -r file -vv you should
be warned if there are checksum failures.   Also, look at network
statistics.  On BSD I'd look at "netstat -s -p ip" and "netstat -s -p
tcp" to look for packets discarded due to checkcum failure; I don't
know how to get at the corresponding counters on Linux.

Not with GNU Radio, but I have seen ssh sessions have trouble due to
data corruption.  I never figured out the source, but packets had ok
tcp checksums but failed the CRC, so ssh closed the connection.

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