I understand the need and/or desire to do this natively but we really
want to be doing cross platform for this target. 256 MB is not enough
for these large compiles.
DO NOT get on Terra's Yellow Dog pre-installed PS3 list if you have not
already done so. They have taken the $100 with no guarantee and they
will not even hazard a guess as to a delivery date. I did not save a
single dime since I could have download FC5 and IBM Cell SDK2.0 for free
and done the install myself and purchased the thing from Fry's or
elsewhere. IBM has a step by step procedure for doing the Linux
install on their web site. Myriad videos doing disk drive upgrades,
etc. are on YouTube. I am not pleased with Terra AT ALL. People are
able to get one and leave the store from Fry's and do the install
themselves. I do not want to wait until March so I am going to use an
extra lever I have that most people do not have (think of it as the fake
wheel chair person going to the head of the line at Disney World and you
will understand) but this is good for one only.
Jason wrote:
Eric A. Cottrell wrote:
So has anyone got their PS3 yet? A store claims to have the 60 gb model
a not too far distance away and I am tempted. But I do not want to be
first on the block to get one.
I picked up a PS3 a few weeks ago, and just got Gentoo booting on it
(60GB version). Out of the box, I think I set the CFLAGS wrong
because the new stuff I've compiled is 32bit. I've built the cross
toolchain for the SPU's and successfully ran a test program or two.
Be mindful, as Eric said, compiles are slow. The CellBE drastically
dropped cost and heat by not efficiently handling out-of-order code.
I don't have the link handy, but the IBM CellBE development center has
a PDF intro to coding for the Cell which shows how to handle
if;then;else statements in an efficient manner. Anything not coded
that way will be horribly inefficient. Hence, the long compile times
on a dual core, 3.2GHz processor. :(
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Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
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