I bought a bitscope device which did 40MS/s and had a 32 kb buffer.
Was disappointed and sold it.
What I really need is a FPGA and fast A/D solution.
What I am trying to do is
1) Capture up to 200us of window data
2) Capture at a rate of 40MS/s or better
3) Being able to interface this to LINUX and use PERL to process data.
4) My voltage levels are up to 1 volt.
5) I am sampling the video signals from a RADAR receiver.
6) Trigger on a voltage change ?
I have shown some captures here:-
Do you think that the USRP fits the bill ?
I have looked at FPGA development boards and A/D eval kits.
I have also had some limited response from the HPSDR group.
What software tools are around for the USRP ?

Andrew Rich
Amateur radio callsign VK4TEC
web: http://www.tech-software.net

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