Marcus Leech wrote:
Anyone here have any more info on

This sounds like a competing open-source SDR effort. It sounds like Lyle and friends are either
 not aware of Gnu Radio, or there's some politics I'm not aware of...

I don't think that's at all accurate -- if anything, it's a complementary project to GnuRadioP. HPSDR is hardware-oriented and doesn't focus (much) on software. While its comparable in some ways to the USRP, the design is quite different.

The inital goal of HPSDR was to create a no-compromise ADC/DAC combination (connected to the PC via USB) for use with the SDR-1000 and similar hardware. The part of the project that's furthest along (the "Ozy" and "Janus" boards) provide that functionality.

However, the design is based on a passive backplane (called "Atlas" and already available for purchase) and is very modular in nature, so it's feasible to add all sorts of RF hardware to the mix. Some of those are in the early development stage.

There's no reason at all that the HPSDR system couldn't hook into GnuRadio, although for the moment the software testing has been done with a modified version of the PowerSDR software that's used with the SDR-1000.

There's really no politics involved at all, just a design that started with the idea of a super-duper sound card replacement and just sorta grew from there.

Two additional points:

1. The HPSDR hardware designs will all be made available under an "Open Hardware License" that I'm currently working to develop. It's not quite the same as the GPL since we've discovered that the practical issues around hardware are quite different, but the spirit is very similar.

2. TAPR ( will be making the initial HPSDR modules available (we may do later ones as well, but we're going on a case-by-case basis). Most of the modules are complex enough that they will be offered only in assembled and (somewhat) tested form, but again, all the design files will be available under a license that allows you to reproduce the boards yourself if you want.


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