If you Google for "gnuradio installation", the GNU Radio wiki doesn't
even make it into the first 3 pages of results!

Interesting to note:

(1) the top hit is Jon's OSX install guide (go Jon!) ... wonder if that means there are a lot of OSX users working on GNU Radio? FBoFW, my install guide is "hidden" from direct Google access and thus won't be included (but it is linked into the Wiki as is Jon's on the OSX page); this will change in the near future once my group at UND gets our public WWW reorganized. That will also contain an updated version of Dawei's install guide. Unfortunately, folks will have to be patient since these will not likely be complete until January ... just not enough time with everything else in life.

(2) GNU Radio 3.0 is now available from debian < http:// packages.debian.org/unstable/comm/gnuradio >, but not for ARM (which is my current project).

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