Also note that some of the examples use a FIR filter (or more than 1), which for PPC's is -slow- since it's not optimized for PPC/ AltiVec. I'm working on an Intel-Mac right now and things are nice and zippy due to the use of SSE!

A quick set of tests on this computer (Core Duo @ 2.16 GHz) show that CPU utilization for the usrp_wfm_rcv is around 33% w/ WindowServer at around 3.5%; the "nogui" version runs at around 6.5% and 0.3%, respectively. So - a LOT less (both absolute and relative) than the 100% @ 1.25 GHz from my Dual G4.

audio_fft uses FFTW (as do all of the built-in examples with FFT), and thus should be optimized for the host OS. Likewise, WX has native instructions for many OSs including Linux/X11, OSX/Aqua, Windows, and such. - MLD

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