Pascal Charest wrote:
> I had a similar problem and this is the solution that I used.
> At work, my computer is behind a firewall and I must use a proxy server
> to send HTTP requests. So, I needed to set proxy name and address for
> SVN. So, edit ~/.subversion/servers. In the [global] section, use these
> lines:
> [global]
> http-proxy-host = your.server.address
> http-proxy-port = your_server_port

Pascal--thanks for reply.

My original email had assumed that the poster  had already configured
Subversion for access through his proxy or firewall.  If that's not the
case, your instructions above will apply if he has a web proxy in place.

If the original poster has already done something similar then the
issues I brought up around WebDAV proxy problems will be where to look next.

Johnathan Corgan, AE6HO

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