Mark Sullivan wrote:

When I inject a signal at a -45 dBm level on the "RX-B" sma connector on a Basic RX daughtercard, I see a copy of the signal on the "RX-A" side when I use The level is 10-20 dB below that of what I see if I move the signal from "RX-B" to "RX-A," but this seems like too much coupling. Using a 50 ohm termination on the unconnected sma connector helps a little bit. I see no copy of the signal from either input of the other Basic RX daughtercard. Any thoghts, anyone?

I don't know what's happening here, but I see about -80dB coupling between the channels.

Here is a walkthough I put together for Suse10.1. I found a few "gotchas" not described in the build instructions on the Wiki.

Thanks! I put this on the wiki, but didn't "wikify" the formatting. Feel free to edit it. It is linked to from the Suse install page.


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