> I notice this is a tome that numbers almost 800
> pages... 

I think you'll find that software radio really spans
many disciplines: mathematics, software engineering,
signal processing, electronics, program able hardware
(VHDL), digital logic, and communication theory to
name some. There is also is overlap between the
subjects. An 800 page book is really only a small view
in to a really large body of knowledge.

> tell me about its content in formulas? I think
> graphical/spatial, and
> a page full of formulas already blocks me. 

The book has plenty of diagrams. There even some nice
diagrams that help you understand the LAPLACE
transform in 3D. It has an excellent balance of Text,
Visualizations, and mathematics.

If you buy a used one, you won't feel so cheated if
you discover it's not for you. Your local library may
have this book. 

> I'd need a
> formula-free book (pseudo-code or actual code is
> welcome, of course),

There really isn't any pseudo-code but there are lots
of diagrams with text that explains them very well.
I've yet to find a formula-free book on the subject
(that is of any use). That said, learning how to
connect visual representations (graphs, diagrams, etc)
with mathematical expressions is really important.
That skill will allow you to read more complex
material (that may not have great illustrations).

> one that is written by a person who knows how to
> write (literature-wise)... 

The book is well written (as far as technical books
go) but I don't think a technical book has ever been
considered for a "GENERAL NON-FICTION Pulitzer Prize".

Good Luck,

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