I also notice that one of the sandboxes (#5 I think) of the Orbit-Lab testbed ( is marked
as a "GNU Radio developnment sandbox".

Now, the main Orbit-Lab grid is a 400 node, indoor wireless testbed, with an outdoor testbed coming up "real soon now". I doubt the grid or the outdoor testbed will ever all have GNU radios, but that would be surely be interesting..



On Aug 18, 2006, at 12:41 AM, Eric Blossom wrote:

On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 09:43:55PM -0400, Brent Horine wrote:
Eric, you mentioned that GNU Radio and USRPs are setup on the Utah emulab
system and that we could get access to them.  I'm researching link
establishment and maintenance in cognitive radios with dynamic spectrum
access and considering the use of GNU Radio as a test platform.

Sounds interesting.

Can you enlighten us as to the procedure for hosting our experiments on emulab? I understand that we can run their version of NS-2 at the higher layers. Which then acts as the sink/source in our GNU Radio. So I suppose that the process involves creating our TCL files for NS-2, Python files for our GNU Radio version, and our C++ & Python files to do our DSA/CR stuff.
How is NS-2 connected to GNU Radio?

I'm basically clueless when it comes to emulab.  I suggest taking a
look at the docs at and then if it's
not clear, send them email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I believe the
exact NS syntax for using the nodes with USRPs is evolving.  Once they
assign you the nodes and swap your experiment in, you can run whatever
code you like on the nodes.  This is where you'd kick off your GNU
Radio code.  I suspect that they're working this out now, and that
your questions would be most welcome.  I'm sure they'll be the
beginning of the emulab wireless FAQ ;)

With regard to getting access to emulab, I can add you to the
"gnuradio" project.  Go to  Click on the
"Request Account" button, then "Join an Existing Project".  Fill in
your details, specifying "gnuradio" for the project name.  After your
account is set up, the system sends me email to confirm.


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Einar Vollset
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University

Phone: +1-607-255-7573

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