---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josh Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 4, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] No audio on os x reading .dat files
To: Michael Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Michael,
Thanks for responding.
My hardware is: OS X Tiger 10.4.(6? or whatever the latest update is,
don't have my ibook here with me at the moment), 1.33 GHz iBook G4,
USB2.0, nothing fancy but runs good. I do not have the usrp board and
no rf frontend, just the software. All gnuradio modules are directly
from cvs and are up-to-date. I thought to make sure my system could do
the basics before I invest in more hardware, I wanted to run some
tests using dat files, but that is where I got no audio response.
Additionally, do you have the usrp board working on your mac?

Just to note: the .dat files did NOT work for audio-portaudio OR
audio-osx. Only the python scripts which generate the audio signal
from gnuradio worked (for portaudio and osx), ie dial_tone.py etc.
Reading from a .dat file seems to produce cpu work but no audio out in
my built in speakers.
I could also take a look into this, but since I am new to the project
it is probably slower going for me, plus I got family visiting for a
bit...as to being patient, that is not a problem. Good work takes time


On 8/3/06, Michael Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Josh - I'm downloading one of the .dat files from kd7lmo, but that's
sort of slow ;-)

In the mean time, let's get a bit of background on your setup.  Which
Mac hardware & OS version?

Any reasonably modern Mac should be able to deal OK with the filters
and audio involved.  That's all done in single-precision floating
point ("float").

The .dat format is complex<float>, meaning 2 floats per item (one
"real" or "in phase", and the other "imaginary" or "in quadrature").

Given that PortAudio can handle the audio, gr-audio-osx should be
able to as well.  But it doesn't work for me either (the file
finished downloading) ... so clearly there's something odd going on.
I will investigate this over the coming weekend, and will get this
issue resolved as quickly as I can put time into it ... got lots on
my plate already.

As for "getting this running", we will certainly get .dat files
running on gr-audio-osx, just be patient.  It might take a few
iterations and a couple of weeks to sort this out; really depends on
the issue. - MLD

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