Don't know about you, but I find the XCode version thing suspicious. What have other people reported? Has anybody got it working with XCode 2.3 on

Once I got the DarwinPorts install script working, I've had GNU Radio running on various PPC Macs (Dual G4 @ 1.25 GHz; Powerbook G4 @ 800 MHz; multiple Dual G5 @ 2.0 GHz) under XCode 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, and OSX 10.4.0 through .7. There have been very few times when I would do an update and it either wouldn't compile or wouldn't work, and those were almost always an issue of stale source codes - resolved by checking out a fresh version and installing from scratch. Occasionally it was someone else's "bad" checkin, and those were almost always resolved w/in a day. - MLD

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