On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 06:44:55AM +0000, paul munro wrote:
> Is there a way of sending the data from the USRP to another application 
> using pipes?? I only know the basics of pipes, and need to look into it 
> more. I was going to try using TCP but thought pipes maybe easier. Also, 
> labview (the app i am sending it to) expects data over the TCP port to be 
> in string format, which is another headache I'm not really prepared to 
> tackle.
> My main issue is whether pipes can be done in using the available GNURadio 
> libraries. I am guessing it maybe achieved using the 
> gr_file_descriptor_sink(), but I'm not sure how to write to the pipe using 
> this.
> Any ideas??
> Regards Paul

Hi Paul, you can use pipes or TCP.  I suggest TCP, it's really no
problem.  In both cases, open the pipe / socket in python, then use
the foo.fileno() method to get the file descriptor.  Use the file
descriptor with gr.file_descriptor_sink


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