Marcus Leech schrieb:
So, I was reading over a superficial summary of U.S. export controls
today, and discovered
that radio receivers capable of more than 1000 channels (what the
heck is a channel?) and
able to switch channels in under 1ms are export-controlled technology.
It seems to me that a USRP with a Gnu Radio filterbank in the back-end
is such a receiver,
and is thus subject to U.S. export control.
Anyone with a better view of this able to comment?
I only have my cynical view of the US government, and similar
regulations that made
'encryption' an armament... on the other hand as an arms, every 'murkin
citizen has
the right to bear arms... and hence, by declaring encryption an
armament, every
'murkin has a right to encryption... where's the NRA when ya need 'em...
By similar reasoning then, every 'murkin has a right to a myriadchannel
radio receiver...
As for needeing a filter bank... with DSP there is no need for a 'filter
bank'... at least as
a physical element...
And of course it is with good reason we, us 'murkins, get all of our
manufactured products
from China, since we then don't have to worry about US export
regulations at all.
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