Thanks for the new function.

I am also interested in a CTCSS function.

Couldn't we take the output of your new goertzel_dft function, pick out the
particular frequency bin we are interested in by using stream_to_streams and
then pass that to the existing power_squelch function?

If this makes sense, I am having trouble converting the output of the
goertzel_dft function into separate frequency bin streams.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Tom Rychener

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Johnathan Corgan
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:59 PM
To: gnuradio mailing list
Subject: SPAM-LOW: [Discuss-gnuradio] Geortzel DFT implementation checked in

Checked in to CVS are a C++ implementation and stream processing block
for the Goertzel single-bin DFT transform.

The C++ class constructor takes the sample rate, length of the Goertzel
block, and the frequency of the bin of interest:

gri_goertzel::gri_goertzel(int rate, int points, float freq);

The frequency does not have to be "centered on a bin" such as when doing
a standard DFT.

By calling the dft member function with a pointer to an array of floats,
one receives the real and imaginary parts of the DFT transform of the
array for the frequency specified in the constructor:

gr_complex gri_goertzel::dft(float *input);

Wrapped around this is a signal processing block that accepts a
real-valued stream of floats and outputs a complex stream of DFT
outputs, at a rate equal to the input rate / length of the Goertzel

gr.goertzel_fc(rate, points, freq)

Basic testing with a variety of inputs shows correct functioning but no
automated QA script is in place yet.

The C++ class will be used as part of the planned gr.ctcss_squelch() block.

-Johnathan, AE6HO

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