Back after a weekend trip w/o internet access ...

On Jun 16, 2006, at 12:28 AM, David Lapsley wrote:
I agree. This has been a really great discussion and has really helped to improve clarity and smooth some wrinkles in the document, but we should probably bring this phase to a close and start implementing. How about if
I get this last set of comments into the document and then
declare that the final version?

Sounds good to me.  Please check for typos too; there were a few.

I will try to stick to the "less is more"
philosophy as I am editing.

Brevity is a virtue. Too much brevity leads to confusion and "interpretation loss" ... sort of like channel capacity (via Shannon: one can achieve maximum channel throughput [maximum brevity] with an arbitrarily low data error rate, but any more brevity and there will be errors [data loss]). - MLD

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