In the USRP source code directory, look for the file doc/html/classusrp__standard__tx.html. Then you should find:
bool usrp_standard_tx::set_mux      (       int        mux       )      
Set output mux configuration.

     3                   2                   1                      
   1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
  |                               | DAC3  | DAC2  | DAC1  |  DAC0 |

  There are two interpolators with complex inputs and outputs.
  There are four DACs.

  Each 4-bit DACx field specifies the source for the DAC and
  whether or not that DAC is enabled.  Each subfield is coded
  like this:

     3 2 1 0
    |E|  N  |

  Where E is set if the DAC is enabled, and N specifies which
  interpolator output is connected to this DAC.

   N   which interp output
  ---  -------------------
   0   chan 0 I
   1   chan 0 Q
   2   chan 1 I
   3   chan 1 Q


On 5/18/06, Garrett McGrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think i've narrowed down the problems with my code to the mux setting for the usrp system.  Is there anywhere you could point me to for a list of possible values for that mux, currently i'm just using one i found in a demo program but can't seem to find a list of all possible values.
-Garrett McGrath

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