On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 15:52 -0400, Charles Swiger wrote:

> just collect data with decim = 10, then interp by 3 (6.4Msps to
> 19.2Msps), then upshift.   The 0.9 code need two changes, one to

Some more fat can be squeezed out of the pipeline if the 'upshift
to 5.75MHz' and FPLL could be combined. Both are in the gr2 realm,
but as it is, the FPLL is just a 2.0 wrapper on the old code, which
takes float in/out so the spectrum has to be all real positive
frequencies. A complex version that can take a pilot freq of -2.69Mhz
I think would help. It would also eliminate the need for a mixer image
lp filter.


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