On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 12:12:38PM +0200, Patrick Strasser wrote:
> TJ Dreier wrote:
> >I'm using a graphical
> >modeling tool called Ptolemy  to allow design of gnuradio systems.
> >2) Use Ptolemy to draw block diagrams and connections.  Ptolemy allows
> >block parameters to be configured by inspecting the XML I just
> >described.
> >3) Then have Ptolemy convert the block diagram into a gnuradio python
> >program.  Ptolemy is written in Java, so I have written Java classes
> >to do this.
> This are the parts I want to see in Python for several reasons:
> * Gnuradio uses already Python. This is a known technology to the 
> developers. And you can get rid of XML, another unknown technology.
> (Gnuradio depends on C++, USB, Swig, Python and wxWidgets, moreover 
> the >3 audio interfaces. That's a enough to support as can be seen on 
> this list.)
> * Gnuradio can work quite fine with wxWidgets. It's quite portable in 
> this configuration.
> * I doubt that you use _less_ system resources with both Python _and_ 
> Java/Ptolemy running.

This is probably not an issue for most people.

> >4) Ptolemy launches this program and communicates with it using pipes.
> >This allows you to create other pieces of Ptolemy simulations that
> >source or sink data to GR.
> Of course Ptolemy has a lot more functionality.

It's also got all the infrastructure for the GUI stuff, not to mention
many many years of development.

> >Here's a screenshot to give you an idea:
> >http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~tjdreier/gnuradio_ptolemy.jpg


Can you provide a link to your work in progress?  CVS / svn?


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