i cant figure out how exactly this register works.

// See below for DDC Starting Phase

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  configure FPGA Rx mux
//    3                   2                   1
//  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-+-----+
// |      must be zero     | Q3| I3| Q2| I2| Q1| I1| Q0| I0|Z| NCH |
// +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-+-----+
// There are a maximum of 4 digital downconverters in the the FPGA.
// Each DDC has two 16-bit inputs, I and Q, and two 16-bit outputs, I & Q.
// DDC I inputs are specified by the two bit fields I3, I2, I1 & I0
//   0 = DDC input is from ADC 0
//   1 = DDC input is from ADC 1
//   2 = DDC input is from ADC 2
//   3 = DDC input is from ADC 3
// If Z == 1, all DDC Q inputs are set to zero
// If Z == 0, DDC Q inputs are specified by the two bit fields Q3, Q2, Q1 & Q0
// NCH specifies the number of complex channels that are sent across
// the USB.  The legal values are 1, 2 or 4, corresponding to 2, 4 or
// 8 16-bit values.

`define FR_RX_MUX                 7'd38

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

what values for the two bits of each of the Q specify?....

can you please explain with an example how exactly both I and Q
outputs are used?
How is it in case of FM receptions?

not on the same line.......
but how exactly USB receives the the stream?

Is the data pulled from host by constantly polling USRP and check for
data or does the USRP raises an interrrupt when the data is available?

I want to know this to implement carrier sensing in FPGA and want to
convey the state to host asynchronously.
is that possible or does the Host will need keep on polling or keep on
reading the readable Registers on FPGA(i thought of using those
readable regs as shared memory between host and FPGA)

i hope i am clear about my queries...


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