On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 at 01:05:14PM +0930, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
> On Saturday 15 April 2006 08:23, Eric Blossom wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > ALSA currently works much better under GNU/Linux than portaudio.
> >
> > > All the other packages installed without error.
> >
> > Have you tried running the examples in gnuradio-examples/python/audio ?
> >
> > Can anything talk to your sound card?  E.g., does KDE make sounds when
> > starting up?
> >
> > Eric
> G'day Eric,
> when you say that ALSA works much better than portaudio on Linux, what are 
> the 
> problems with audioport?

Example 1: ALSA works on my X60 laptop, but portaudio on top of ALSA does not.
Example 2: Excessive latency compared to using ALSA or OSS directly.

> On NetBSD portaudio example that are packaged with portaudio-snapshot work 
> perfectly. However, gr-audio-portaudio stotterts and indicates underruns. I'm 
> not sure why and will have to investigate it before I can release the NetBSD 
> package for this module.

Under NetBSD and GNU/Linux, I would not recommend using portaudio at
this time.  It's definitely a work-in-progress on both the portaudio
side, as well as our code that uses portaudio.  The only reason I
built the gr-audio-portaudio tarball is that portaudio works well
under certain windows configurations and possibly under OS/X.


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