Michael Dickens wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2006, at 6:49 PM, Charles Swiger wrote:
>> work - cool! (putting skip AFTER  inter, deinter). I'll finish the
>> test code and move on to Trellis Encoder / Viterbi Decoder.
There is a very fast (SSE,SSE2) viterbi decoder by Phil Karns.
(He also wrote a reed-solomon decoder)
They are available here:


> I have a trellis encoder and the V decoder is in debugging (by me) - 
> hope to have version 1 finished by the end of this weekend.  These  are
> generic encoder / decoder blocks, taking arbitrary # of input  streams
> and element sizes and reproducing that on the output.   Throughput of
> the encoder using a (2 output, 2 input, 2 memory /  input) code (meaning
> 16 states) is around 10 Mb/s without optimizing  the programming.  As
> the decoder isn't operational, I don't know how  fast it will be ... but
> it's mush more complex than the encoder (no  surprise there) and thus
> will definitely be slower than the encoder.
> I don't know if these would be of interest for use by ATSC, but I'm 
> happy to provide them once I know they work.  Would also make for  good
> beta testing ;-)  I will provide them to the overall GR project  once I
> know they work and are reasonable optimized. - MLD
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